5 Things to Know When Starting a Clothing Brand

5 Things to Know When Starting a Clothing Brand

Starting a clothing/fashion brand is exciting, but with that can come some stress and uncertainty. Although it would be much easier to have all the answers before venturing out, you’ll learn most of the best lessons from practical experience.

However, knowing these 5 things before diving into the deep end will help you out a lot.

1. The beginning isn't the end

Your fashion brand may start slowly but that doesn’t mean it won’t take off. Just as they say “Rome wasn’t built in a day”, neither will your fashion company be. Take some time to settle into the industry and learn how to find the people who will love your product as much as you do.

2.Start small, and scale

Find a few people you trust, or even just one, and start there. Some of the largest fashion labels in the world started out small. Find someone who shares in your vision but will also push the creative boundaries. Have a team with different skills to assure that all areas of the business receive attention. Not only will a small team make way for harmony and flexibility, but it will enable you to launch your brand quicker and with more cost efficiency.

3. Create clothes you love

You can create a garment, anyone can, but for the products in your clothing line to succeed, you must stand behind them. Promoting your brand and pieces will be much easier if you love them. Constantly pursue new ideas to make your fashion brand better and grow with your vision.

4. Test, test and test again

Not everyone likes the same things or styles. Test your fashion products and your message to find the best positioning for your brand. You can’t just create demand but you can find someplace that needs supply and fits your vision. Take constructive criticism and use it to make your design ideas better.

5. Tell a story

Sell your story! Studies have shown that emotions drive customer experience. Create a connection with a customer that goes beyond fashion. Trends and business may change but emotions remain constant. If a consumer sees the face and the story behind the brand they will be able to understand it and perhaps love it as much as you do.


Take these tips to help launch the brand you’ve been dreaming of. You will certainly learn many more lessons along the way.

Let us know in the comments what else you think is important to know when starting out!


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